🚀 plannt.ca Release Notes — Feb 2024

Find your companions 👯

Alex Lizewski
3 min readFeb 1, 2024
Our new crop rotation & companion planting features go together like corn & beans!

🌟 What’s New

1. Companion Planting: Sorry, did we just say companion planting? Our most highly requested feature of 2023? YEP. It’s here, and it’s next level.

2. Crop Rotation: You wanted to rotate, well, start rotating! Our crop match dialog now includes a sprinkle of crop rotation guidance to help you pick the best patch for your pumpkin, carrot, tomato, or whatever else you’ve got going on!

3. Analytics Lookback: For those of you who have had the distinct pleasure of being with us since the beginning (we love you), we have a special surprise just for you (for now). We added a year selection drop-down on the Analytics page that lets you toggle between years to view your garden’s performance.

🎉 What’s Improved

1. Star Rating Reset: We’ve updated our star rating functionality to allow you to clear a star rating once applied. Rate, re-rate, or un-rate — you decide!

2. Task Date Filter: We’ve added some smart limits to the date filters on the tasks page so you don’t find yourself straying beyond the bounds of your actual data.

3. More Seed Categories: We know that the “other” category can be kind of a bummer. To help cover more ground in the seed department, we added new categories for parsnip, melon, turnip, celeriac, collards, and tomatillo. If you find yourself planting something that we don’t already have a category set for- feel free to reach out and request that we add it! Our favourite part of setting up a new seed category is choosing the colour that we feel best represents the crop.

4. More Seed Defaults: If a blank Seed creation form had you feeling stuck or confused, worry no more! Now, whenever you create a seed with a specific crop category, all inputs will be populated with default recommendations. Creating a new Seed is now only a few clicks away! As always, you can customize your Seed fields to suit your preferences and the specific instructions from your seed supplier.

🐛 What’s Fixed

1. Yard Resize Warning: We’ve added an abundantly clear warning dialog that tells you if an attempted yard resize will impact an existing crop. You worked hard for your crops- don’t delete them!

2. Task Links: Now that plannt.ca v2 has revolutionized the way that yard planning happens, we had to make some changes to how tasks interlink to make sure that succession planning and rescheduling goes off without a hitch. We like to stay dynamic!

📣 What’s Coming Soon

1. Education Hub: We’ve been saying it for a while now, but we still mean it! Our tutorial site is still bubbling and brewing in the background, and it’s nearly ready to launch. We can’t wait to release all of our helpful guides and tutorials to the gardening world.

That’s it for this month’s release notes! We hope you find some companions, feel the rotation, and reflect on how far you’ve come as a gardener. As always, we’re here to assist you if you have questions or need any help.

Keep on growing!

The plannt.ca Team 🌱



Alex Lizewski

Manufacturing engineer & process automation nerd. Creator of plannt.ca, an online food garden planning platform.