🚀 plannt.ca Release Notes — Jan 2024

New Year, New Yard 🎆

Alex Lizewski
2 min readJan 5, 2024

As we bid farewell to 2023, it is also time to say goodbye to plannt.ca v1.

She did her duty proudly, but business is business: out with the old and in with the new.

Introducing v2!

🌟 What’s New

POV: you have ultimate garden planning power!

4D Planning Yard: Our v1 yard was usable, but it was missing a little something
 the dimension of time!

The v2 Yard page now includes:

  • A Yard viewing date input, which allows you to literally zoom through time to see how your crops will occupy the space in your yard throughout the year.
  • Patch timeline preview, which will display the entire year’s growing activity at-a-glance for any patches you select.
  • Crop selection dialog, which helps you decide whether you want to add seeds to an existing crop or create a new one. This existed before, but we re-tooled it to offer automated scheduling suggestions and fun colour-coding to help you maximize the utilization of your growing space.
  • A smarter patch heatmap to help you steer clear of areas that aren’t going to work for your seed when you’re in planning mode.
  • The ability to expand crops to other patches while in planning mode with a quick click-drag.

🎉 What’s Improved

  1. Testing: We’re dedicated to product quality and timely releases, so we’ve been hard at work building out comprehensive automated tests.
  2. Data architecture: We cleaned house! It was time to make some updates to our backend to prevent the storage of unneeded data. Our tables are sparkling!
  3. UI: You may notice that the Succession planning (crown) button is no longer present on the Yard page. This is because this button is no longer needed now that all planning happens in the timeline menu in Add Crops mode. Don’t worry about it, we meant to do that!

🐛 What’s Fixed

1. New Year: We vanquished few pesky bugs related to the handling of dates and how the rollover of growing seasons is managed in-app. Just in the nick of time!

📣 What’s Coming Soon

1. More Yard Features: Yes, you heard correctly! We’re not done yet. Stay tuned to see how we’re about to throw down even more automated garden planning assistance.

2. Docs: We’ve got a lot going on, but we’re still working away at producing tutorials for how to use the platform, which will be published on our site docs.plannt.ca. We can’t wait for you to come aboard!

That’s it for this month’s release notes! We hope you’re as excited about 4D food gardening as we are. As always, we’re here to assist you if you have any questions or need any help.

Keep on growing!

The plannt.ca Team đŸŒ±



Alex Lizewski

Manufacturing engineer & process automation nerd. Creator of plannt.ca, an online food garden planning platform.