🚀 plannt.ca Release Notes — March 2024

We’ve been yearning for learning 🎓

Alex Lizewski
3 min readMar 1, 2024

🌟 What’s New

We’ve been teasing the promise of tutorial content for a while. After releasing feature after feature for the past year, it’s only fair that we explain exactly how to use them.

The day has finally come!

Our 2024 launch video is now live!

We just dropped 10 videos on our Youtube channel that give you a guided tour of how to use plannt.ca. In less than 45 minutes, these instructions will take you from being a garden planning beginner all the way to a pro.

These videos can also be found on our education site docs.plannt.ca.

🎉 What’s Improved

  1. We added Frost date legend lines to our Analytics harvest tracking plots and changed the x-axis to show the entire year instead of just the timespan between frost dates. Now, you can see the whole picture!
  2. You can now click-drag to select patches in naming mode. This was already possible when creating patches, so we wanted to make the patch naming behaviour consistent.
  3. We added a warning dialog that will alert you if you try to leave the Account page with unsaved changes.
  4. We modified certain logic to make Yard operations faster. Previously, adding or removing a crop from your yard, creating new crops, or creating/deleting yard labels came with a slight delay. Enjoy your garden planning bliss as these actions now happen within the blink of an eye.

🐛 What’s Fixed

  1. We noticed that the filter menu on the Seeds page would not expand on mobile devices using a Safari browser. This has now been corrected. Rest easy, Apple users, that you can now filter your seed inventory on-the-go, like we usually do in the middle of seed shopping!
  2. We changed our weekly task reminder emails to only list overdue tasks for the previous 2 weeks instead of every overdue task. We figure that, if you’re already 2 weeks behind on tasks, there’s no use piling on. You’ll catch up someday!
  3. We simplified the tooltip legend that showed when hovering over the Analytics page harvest tracking plots. Previously, it listed all crops regardless of whether there was a harvest that day, which made the tooltip very large and unwieldy for those with many different crops. The tooltip is now clean and minimal, so you can focus on the data that’s important for your growing goals.
  4. We changed the count of plants per seed card in the Yard header to only show the count of plants for the year you are viewing in the Yard, i.e. if you’ve been with us since 2023 (we love you), when you go to plan for your 2024 growing season you won’t see your 2023 plant counts added in.

📣 What’s Coming Soon

1. Spring! We’re excited to get planning in our garden. We’ll be taking a slight break from feature development to focus on planning for our biggest gardening year yet (thanks to all of our new features!)

2. Tweaks: As always, we’ve got a list of minor bug fixes and enhancements that we want to get through before the growing season kicks into high gear. What can we say? We’re perfectionists.

That’s it for this month’s release notes! We hope you enjoy watching our tutorials as much as we enjoyed making them. As always, we’re here to assist you if you have any questions or need any help.

Keep on growing!

The plannt.ca Team 🌱



Alex Lizewski

Manufacturing engineer & process automation nerd. Creator of plannt.ca, an online food garden planning platform.